Monday, August 27, 2007

August 20 - 26

Little Baby Girl is due two weeks from today. My OB appointment went well... I'm progressing normally.

This last week hasn't been fun AT ALL. On Wednesday morning, Josh came down with some kind of stomach bug. Diarrhea and vomiting. How do you explain that to a 19 month old? I felt so horrible for him... he didn't understand what throwing up was, and why he felt so lousy... Thankfully it was over in about 2 days.

Friday Scott came home from work a couple hours early, because he didn't "feel right". Thirty seconds after he got home, HE was in the bathroom with the same thing Josh had. He finally started to feel better around midnight. Then I woke up at 2am with the same thing. It hasn't been a fun week.

As of this morning, all 3 of us seem to be better... lets hope this bug has totally passed!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 6 - 19

I haven't had a lot of time to post... between making sure everything is ready for the baby, and chasing Joshua around... I'm lucky if I get to sit down, lately!

I've been trying to get Joshua out to at least a play date a couple times a week, and a playgroup every once in awhile. I haven't been up to our two mile walk - and at 9 months pregnant, who can blame me?

I'm doing weekly OB appointments at this point. Everything is progressing well. I'm down 40 lbs at this point, which is a good thing, since I didn't lose much of the weight I gained when pregnant with Joshua.

There are a couple pictures for August in the slide show on the right...
I'll probably update next week, if I can.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

July 30 - August 5

FIVE WEEKS and counting! This pregnancy has absolutely flown by! I can't believe it's almost done... Of course at this point, I'm ready to be done!

*Scott went out of town on another business trip on Monday. This time was Columbus, OH and Chicago. He was only gone until Wednesday night, so it wasn't as bad as last time.
*Joshua and I tried to stay busy while Scott was gone, but with the heat, it was difficult. We spent some time at the mall, and eating Rita's Ice.
*Wednesday we went to the last story time of this session at Mt. Lebanon Library. It starts back up in September, but I'm afraid I won't be able to take him. Scott is taking a couple weeks off when the baby is born, so maybe he'll be able to take him once or twice.
*Thursday night Steve & Patti came over with dinner, and were talking about the weekend, and how they were planning on going to camp. Scott decided at that moment, that maybe we should go back up just one more time. Talk about last minute! After I picked my jaw up off the floor, we made some quick plans, and got everything situated. After Josh went to bed, I started packing up some odds and ends, and Scott thew some laundry in the wash. Somehow we got it all together!
*Friday night we went to camp! We had a great time. The weather was pretty warm, and we went swimming in the river, and took a canoe ride over to the island. Josh wasn't thrilled with being in the water, but loved throwing rocks and watching the splash. We headed home on Sunday at nap time, and Josh was so worn out, he fell asleep before we even turned off the private road. (About a 3 minute drive!) I swear this time was the LAST time we'll be up at camp before the baby comes!