Monday, July 13, 2009

June is here and gone...

We started off June with a wonderful long weekend trip to Washington DC. We visited the Natural History Museum, Air & Space Museum, several of the monuments and the National Zoo. I was surprised to see how family friendly and inexpensive the city was. The kids had a lot of fun, and Scott and I were able to soak in some history at the same time.

The weather was wonderful in June! We spent a lot of time at the park, playing in our water fountain and finding fun wet places to play. Our new favorite place is Mingo Creek park. The kids have a lot of fun playing in the creek, throwing rocks and running around there.

Father's Day this year was spent with BFF! We rented a section at the Consol Energy Park, and watched the Washington Wild Things baseball team. The kids thought it was great, but we only made it to the end of the third inning. We reserved the pavillion and had an all you can eat buffet of the classic baseball foods. It is something we are definitely looking forward to doing again!

Scott had a business trip this month, but on his way out of town, we stopped at Camp for a couple days. We took both cars, and one kid each, and then on Saturday afternoon, he drove
down to Baltimore. I stayed until nap time on Sunday. We had a great time, as usual! The kids didn't want to leave, and it took a lot of persuasion, and a promise to come back soon, to get them into the van.

A photographer friend of mine followed us around Round Hill Farm for a couple hours, taking pictures. She was wonderful to work with, and I'm thrilled with the results.

As always, there are links to my photo albums on the right side. I'll post our July updates, soon!