Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas! It was a magical holiday for Joshua, and I thank everyone who had a part in making it that way.

I caught Santa checking on the kids, and filling our stockings...

There are more Christmas pictures in the December album if you want to go look. The link is on the right.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday December 16, 2007

For the Nebraska Fans in the family!

Our littlest Husker fan!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

December 5, 2007

It's snowing. There is about 3" of the white stuff out there now. We had plans for a playgroup this morning... but I can't get out of the garage! We're going to go out and play in it after nap time, I think. Josh has been talking about the snow all morning... except he calls it "Nose" hehe. It's super cute! I think he'll have a ball playing out there later.

Sunday evening we went to my moms house for Gregg's 2nd birthday! I can't believe he's 2 years old already! Time does fly! Mom and Amy made him a Train cake, which was super cute! I'm going to borrow the pan for Joshua's birthday. We ate Pizza, and opened presents, and the boys played for the rest of the evening. It was fun watching them with the new toys... I can't wait for Christmas!!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1, 2007

Christmas is coming! We've been getting ready for Christmas for the last week. I have the inside decorating done, and Scott is on the roof as we speak, putting up the outside lights. Joshua helped me do some of the decorating. We have a special small tree just for the kids, and made the decorations for it. I figured it would be fun for Josh to decorate and play with - and not break any of the good ornaments.
The kids tree is 3' tall, and has pipe cleaner candy canes and ribbons on it. Joshua got a kick out of decorating it. He'll take all the candy canes off, and put them back on again, too. Just for fun, I guess. When we have friends come over for playgroups, their kids do the same thing. I guess it's easy entertainment!

We kicked off December with a visit to the Trolley Museum this morning. We took a trip on the Santa Trolley, sang Christmas Carols and played with their Thomas the Tank Engine display. They also had a great Lionel train display set up in the back room. It was a lot of fun. Josh babbled about the "Choo choo trains" all the way home. Josh asked Santa for a "Choo choo, please" and he has been a good boy, so we'll have to see what is under our tree Christmas morning!