Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 27, 2007

Chelsea is now 2 weeks old! The time has just FLOWN by. We're all getting used to each other, and getting into a daily routine. We've had a couple bad nights, but I figured out if I keep her awake for about 2 hours after 7:30 or 8pm, she'll sleep better.

We're dealing with some jealousy issues with Joshua, but he seems to understand she's not going away now. He started hitting me and Scott, and this week he started biting me. It's super obvious he only does it when he wants attention, so I've been trying to have some extra "Mommy & Joshua Time" while Chelsea is sleeping.

At 10 days old, Chelsea hosted her first playgroup! We met some friends from MoMo at a playground near here. She slept through 90% of it, but that's ok! This week we also went to a couple other playgroups, and a Breastfeeding support group, as well. I have a lot of other things planned the next couple of weeks as well.

I've been really overwhelmed with taking care of both of them. I had some practice while I was babysitting my niece and nephew, but they always went HOME! I've found a couple things to help keep my sanity. The biggest thing is taking them to playgroups. Even though it's a bigger pain to haul two kids around compared to one, I found that once I get to where we're going, there are a bunch of other moms who are more than willing to hold Chelsea or chase Josh or basically just help out. They are a God-send... and they understand!

Our first week home, I had 4 moms from MoMo bring us dinners. With all the left overs, we haven't had to cook much at all. It was great! Steve and Patti still bring dinner over once a week, too. My mom is bringing a couple meals over once we're out of leftovers. I can realy get used to this!

We have taken a lot of pictures the last couple weeks (go figure!). Be sure to check out September's Photo Album.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

September 12, 2007


Chelsea Janelle Rattay
September 12, 2007 - 7:01 pm
6lbs 6oz - 20 1/4"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept. 11, 2007 - 1 Day Late and Counting...

I had my 40 wk appointment this morning... I'm dealing with a conflict
between 2 doctors at my practice. One wants to induce me, one doesn't.

The doctor I saw today (Dr. S) doesn't want to induce me. The doctor I
saw last week (Dr. N) does. Dr S said she would "try" and get me an
induction appointment for Friday if Dr. N is on call then. Fortunately,
Dr. N is the doctor on call Friday... so that's awesome!

If they can't get me in Friday for some reason, I have an appointment
for Tuesday for an OB & non stress test.

I'm waiting on a call from the office to see what they could do...

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept. 4 - Ultrasound Update

The ultrasound went well. Everything is fine... heart rate is normal, fluid levels are normal... all is good. Doctor was pleased with the results. They are guessing she is going to be about
7lbs 9oz... but that is a guess, and they can be +/- a pound, so it really doesn't really tell me anything! The Ultrasound Tech did tell me she has a full head of hair, though!

I'm still 2 cm dilated, but she has dropped a bit since last week, so that's a step in the right direction. She couldn't make a prediction of when it will happen... just that I wasn't in labor at THAT MOMENT... but that doesn't mean it won't happen tonight - or next week. They aren't going to let me go as long as they did with Josh. If she doesn't come on her own, they'll induce me as early as the 14th. When I go next week, we're going to finalize all that. She didn't think it would come to that point though.

It's just a waiting game at this point...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

August 27 - September 2

Well, we're down to one more week until Lil'Girl is due. It's amazing how quickly the time has gone.

My OB appointment for the week went well. I'm 2 cm dilated, and I lost 2 lbs... but that was because I was so sick. That happens when you can't eat, I guess. My next appointment is on Tuesday. I have an ultrasound scheduled right before hand, as well. With the problems I had with Joshua and low fluid levels and his heart rate, they are being pro-active, and checking on her a week early. If there are any issues, I will most likely be induced Tuesday afternoon/evening.

This morning we found a new park near our house! Joshua had a lot of fun, and it is perfect for a play group! I think the first group I host after the baby is born will be a Saturday morning play group at this park. It is 99% contained, and has sections for toddlers, as well as older kids. And lots of spots to sit for tired Mommies!

Hopefully our next post will be about Lil'Girl being here... everyone cross your fingers!