Saturday, October 17, 2009

July - October - A summary

As this is the first post in several months, it's apparent I've been neglecting the blog. I've added links to photo albums on the right side. You can pretty much see what we've been doing from those, but I'll give you a quick list of the highlights.

Things we've done:
Several trips to camp.
The kids and I spent a few days at Lake Erie with friends.
We took a tour of an Alpaca Farm with BFF.
We've made several trips to the zoo and the aviary.
Chelsea celebrated her 2nd Birthday.
Josh & Chelsea started school. This is Joshua's 2nd year, and Chelsea's first year.
We made a trip to Utica, Ohio to visit family on their farm.
A hayride with BFF.
Lots and lots of playgroups!

Monday, July 13, 2009

June is here and gone...

We started off June with a wonderful long weekend trip to Washington DC. We visited the Natural History Museum, Air & Space Museum, several of the monuments and the National Zoo. I was surprised to see how family friendly and inexpensive the city was. The kids had a lot of fun, and Scott and I were able to soak in some history at the same time.

The weather was wonderful in June! We spent a lot of time at the park, playing in our water fountain and finding fun wet places to play. Our new favorite place is Mingo Creek park. The kids have a lot of fun playing in the creek, throwing rocks and running around there.

Father's Day this year was spent with BFF! We rented a section at the Consol Energy Park, and watched the Washington Wild Things baseball team. The kids thought it was great, but we only made it to the end of the third inning. We reserved the pavillion and had an all you can eat buffet of the classic baseball foods. It is something we are definitely looking forward to doing again!

Scott had a business trip this month, but on his way out of town, we stopped at Camp for a couple days. We took both cars, and one kid each, and then on Saturday afternoon, he drove
down to Baltimore. I stayed until nap time on Sunday. We had a great time, as usual! The kids didn't want to leave, and it took a lot of persuasion, and a promise to come back soon, to get them into the van.

A photographer friend of mine followed us around Round Hill Farm for a couple hours, taking pictures. She was wonderful to work with, and I'm thrilled with the results.

As always, there are links to my photo albums on the right side. I'll post our July updates, soon!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer is almost here!

The kids and I started off the month doing lots of crafts for Mother's Day and with spring time themes.  Scott started taking Joshua to the Home Depot for their project days, and they made the cutest wheelbarrow flower planter.

Scott was out of town on business for the better part of 3 weeks at the end of April and beginning of May.  He has been to Georgia, New Jersey and Baltimore this time around.  His next trip is just outside of Washington DC in June, and the kids and I are going to drive down to meet him for a few days.  We have been scouring the tourism websites for great things to do with the kids there.  We're pretty excited about it.

We had a tour at a local dairy farm with BFF.  It happened to be on a day Scott was actually in town, and he was able to take the day off to come with us.  The kids had a great time looking at all of the cows - especially the babies!  

Joshua's last day of school was the 19th.  He has been a little confused about why school is closed for the summer, and why he isn't allowed to go see his teachers.  He is excited to go back in September.   The teachers aide who was in his class this year will also be an assistant for his new class next year.  I'm hoping this will work well for his transition.  Chelsea will be starting in the same 2 year old program Joshua was in this year.  She will also have the same 2 teachers Joshua had this year, so she knows them already.   We're hoping this will work in our favor when it comes to the separation anxiety.

Joshua and Scott have started several small gardens in the yard this month.  They have sunflowers, pumpkins, carrots, spinach, corn and flowers starting to sprout already.  We are hoping to have pumpkins to use for Halloween this year.  Scott bought "Competition Size" Pumpkins, so it should be interesting to see how large they actually get!

With the warmer weather, we are spending a lot of time outside at the park, going to picnics and having fun.  We have a great new fountain sprinkler to play with in the yard, and plans for lots of fun things around town this summer.  We'll keep everyone updated!

There are several photo albums listed on the right with some of the fun things we've done the last couple months.  Be sure to take a look at them!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Birthdays, Easter & Springtime!

We have had a wonderful April so far!  I celebrated my (number not disclosed) birthday on the 10th.  Joshua made me a cake - sort of.  

It was a giant rice krispie treat in an Elmo pan.  Very cute, and quite yummy, too!

We had a wonderful Easter!  We had several Easter Egg Hunts, and fun craft playgroups the first two weeks of April.  The kids had a lot of fun, as did I.

We are excited about the warmer weather headed our way.  We are trying to spend as much time outside as possible.  The kids have discovered chalk art on the driveway, and enjoy helping Daddy washing the cars and cutting the grass.  I have a lot of fun things planned for this summer!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Last Two Months....

I was reminded I haven't updated the blog in awhile, and I'm finding it hard to believe it has been since January.  I guess I've been busy :)

The kids and I are keeping busy at playgroups.  We are attending at least 2 or 3 a week, as well as hosting them here at the house once a week or so.  

Josh is loving school, and is doing really well.  I had a Parent / Teacher conference yesterday, and they are thrilled with his improvement the last few months.  The separation anxiety has disappeared, and he is doing well with group activities.  

Chelsea knows about 60 or 70 words now, and can string 2 or 3 together into simple sentences.  She loves to copy everything Josh does, and we're having a hard time explaining she's too little for some things.  The doctor is concerned about her size.  Her weight percentage is steadily decreasing.  If we can't maintain or increase the percentage at her next appointment, she is going to undergo some testing to make sure she's not failing to thrive.  

Scott has been traveling a lot with his new job.  He's made trips to Chicago, Columbus and New Jersey.  He has several trips planned in the near future, including Sacramento, Los Angeles and another trip to New Jersey.

We have been trying to get outside as often as we can the last couple months.  Being cooped up inside so much is starting to get rough with 2 toddlers.  We've made our first trips to Round Hill Farm and the Zoo this month, and are anxious to go back.  

I have added several photo albums to the right side of the page.  Take a look to see what we've been up to.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My baby is now 3!

On Wednesday Joshua turned three years old.  It's amazing how quickly the time went by.  I made him a farm cake this year, complete with cows, a barn, and of course a John Deere tractor.

The cake has a crushed graham cracker dirt road, and coconut dyed green grass.  The figures and barn are all toys Joshua already had.  I had to buy the tractor.  I think it turned out cute.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, GG!

We celebrated Great Grams 86th Birthday this weekend. Videos are posted on the right.
Happy Birthday GG!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Be sure to  check out the photo albums from our Christmas posted on the right.  I have also started a 2009 Photo Album section, with a few pictures in the January album.  Enjoy!