Saturday, August 30, 2008

End of August Already?

I can't believe how quickly the summer went! It seems like just yesterday we were starting our weekly walks in the park and pulling out the kiddie pool. Hopefully we'll have a couple more weeks of nice weather before the leaves start to change and the snow starts to fall.

Chelsea News: She has started to pull herself up to standing the last couple weeks. It started out as a once in a while thing, but now it's every chance she gets. She is very excited to be able to see over things, now. I'm sure she'll be starting to take those first tentative steps soon! She's also starting to say A LOT more words! Cookie, something that sounds like "thank you", mama, daddy, Josh, cat, cup, fishy, ... I'm sure I'm missing some, too. She tries to do everything she sees Joshua doing, so I'm sure a lot of it is because of mimicking him. Chelsea also had her first professional photo shoot this month. As soon as I get the proofs, I'll post them!

We made another trip up to camp a couple weeks ago. We've only been there twice this summer... not nearly enough in my opinion, but we've been so busy the last few months, we really haven't had a chance. This trip included Julie & Elli, so there was even MORE fun things to do than normal. Joshua and Elli could have spent all day throwing rocks in the river, and Chelsea really liked splashing on the shore, and inspecting bugs and rocks.

We've been to quite a few playgroups the last couple weeks... as opposed to outside trips to the park, zoo, farm, etc. We went to a Science themed one and made an exploding volcano. THAT was pretty awesome. It actually worked - which amazed us *laugh*. Just imagine 5 toddlers and a few babies crowding around a table hoping for club soda to squirt up in the air. It was great.

Last weekend we made our first trip out to Raccoon Creek State Park's beach. The kids had a great time, and I really wish we would have gone earlier in the year! It reminded me a lot of being at Seneca growing up. Amy and Gregg met us there, and the boys had a great time splashing, playing in the sand, and "swimming". I was amazed that neither of them were afraid of the water. They were both up to their necks at one point. Chelsea loved the water as well. She would have been thrilled to be in it all day!

Earlier this week the kids weren't feeling well. Josh spiked a fever of 103.5, and Chelsea had one almost as high. We took a few days off from running around, and playing with our friends. (We wouldn't want to get anyone else sick, too!) I never figured out what was wrong with them... it was only the fevers. What ever it was, made them miserable, so I'm glad it's over!

We were anxious to get out of the house, after being cooped up for almost a week! We made an interesting journey to White Oak for a playgroup where we made necklaces out of yarn and Fruit Loops. (I got terribly lost - twice! We made it, and were only a few minutes late, so I guess it's not too bad *grin*) I'm not sure what the kids thought was more fun: stringing the Fruit Loops, or EATING them. All of the kids seemed to have a good time, and they all played very well together. Joshua made a new friend, also named Josh. A little confusing, but they got along great, and for only being 2, had a lot in common!

We have some big plans for Labor Day weekend, so I'll be updating again soon!

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