Saturday, December 1, 2007

December 1, 2007

Christmas is coming! We've been getting ready for Christmas for the last week. I have the inside decorating done, and Scott is on the roof as we speak, putting up the outside lights. Joshua helped me do some of the decorating. We have a special small tree just for the kids, and made the decorations for it. I figured it would be fun for Josh to decorate and play with - and not break any of the good ornaments.
The kids tree is 3' tall, and has pipe cleaner candy canes and ribbons on it. Joshua got a kick out of decorating it. He'll take all the candy canes off, and put them back on again, too. Just for fun, I guess. When we have friends come over for playgroups, their kids do the same thing. I guess it's easy entertainment!

We kicked off December with a visit to the Trolley Museum this morning. We took a trip on the Santa Trolley, sang Christmas Carols and played with their Thomas the Tank Engine display. They also had a great Lionel train display set up in the back room. It was a lot of fun. Josh babbled about the "Choo choo trains" all the way home. Josh asked Santa for a "Choo choo, please" and he has been a good boy, so we'll have to see what is under our tree Christmas morning!

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