Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept. 4 - Ultrasound Update

The ultrasound went well. Everything is fine... heart rate is normal, fluid levels are normal... all is good. Doctor was pleased with the results. They are guessing she is going to be about
7lbs 9oz... but that is a guess, and they can be +/- a pound, so it really doesn't really tell me anything! The Ultrasound Tech did tell me she has a full head of hair, though!

I'm still 2 cm dilated, but she has dropped a bit since last week, so that's a step in the right direction. She couldn't make a prediction of when it will happen... just that I wasn't in labor at THAT MOMENT... but that doesn't mean it won't happen tonight - or next week. They aren't going to let me go as long as they did with Josh. If she doesn't come on her own, they'll induce me as early as the 14th. When I go next week, we're going to finalize all that. She didn't think it would come to that point though.

It's just a waiting game at this point...

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