Sunday, September 2, 2007

August 27 - September 2

Well, we're down to one more week until Lil'Girl is due. It's amazing how quickly the time has gone.

My OB appointment for the week went well. I'm 2 cm dilated, and I lost 2 lbs... but that was because I was so sick. That happens when you can't eat, I guess. My next appointment is on Tuesday. I have an ultrasound scheduled right before hand, as well. With the problems I had with Joshua and low fluid levels and his heart rate, they are being pro-active, and checking on her a week early. If there are any issues, I will most likely be induced Tuesday afternoon/evening.

This morning we found a new park near our house! Joshua had a lot of fun, and it is perfect for a play group! I think the first group I host after the baby is born will be a Saturday morning play group at this park. It is 99% contained, and has sections for toddlers, as well as older kids. And lots of spots to sit for tired Mommies!

Hopefully our next post will be about Lil'Girl being here... everyone cross your fingers!

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